Sunday, September 25, 2011

Note from the President: Op-eds -- CFC, Heroes, TFL

AFA members, Congressional staff members, civic leaders, DOCA members,
It’s time for the 2011 Combined Federal Campaign.  As you are making your contributions, I hope you will consider the Air Force Association (#12214), and the Air Force Memorial Foundation (#11953).  
Contributions to the Air Force Association (#12214) will help to continue to EDUCATE the public about the critical role of aerospace power in the defense of our nation; to ADVOCATE aerospace power and a strong national defense; and to SUPPORT the United States Air Force, Air Force family, and aerospace education. 
Contributions to the Air Force Memorial Foundation (#11953) will honor our Airmen as well as works to educate and preserve the heritage of our courageous Airmen for future generations.  In addition to honoring our Airmen, we educate Americans about the United States Air Force and share the stories of our Airmen.
Your contribution, no matter what size will make a great impact in both organizations.  If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me or our development department at
Secondly, the Air Force has just released its 2011 Portraits in Courage.  We have put them on line at:  I’d urge you to browse through them … As I read them, the thought came to me:  “Where do we get such magnificent and brave men and women.  They are truly following in the footsteps of those who have gone before them.”
Finally, the Administration has just proposed, as a part of its deficit reduction plan, to increase TRICARE for Life and drug fees.  The Air Force Association strongly opposes these increases.  For our statement on it, see:
For your consideration,

Michael M. Dunn
Air Force Association

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