Saturday, June 18, 2011

Note from the AFA President: NATO in Afghanistan

AFA members, Congressional Staff members, civic leaders, DOCA members, this past week Sec Gates has made some tough-love statements about NATO's willingness to step up to troop needs in Afghanistan.  The press has covered the statements well and sometimes pointedly. 
Regardless, I thought it would be useful to go a bit deeper into the Secretary's concerns and see what the data say.  The result is this chart: 
Some observations about the chart: 
  • NATO's (without the US) GDP is about $2T more than the US.
  • Their population (without the US) is almost double the US.
  • They have about one million more troops than the US
  • But they provide only about 1/3 as many troops for Afghanistan as the US.
You can draw your own conclusions, but … it seems Sec Gates' points were supported by the data.
For your consideration.

Michael M. Dunn
Air Force Association

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