Thursday, June 16, 2011

In the News: Acquisition Chief Cuts 11 Global Hawks


Pentagon acquisition chief Ashton Carter has sliced 11 Block 30 Global Hawks from the planned buy of 42, further reducing the total number of the aircraft in the project only months after the U.S. Air Force cut 11 from the Block 40 program.

The decision is outlined in a June 14 acquisition decision memorandum that details a restructuring of the entire RQ-4A/B program; this includes all four blocks of the aircraft (10-40). Also in this document, Carter outlines his plans to certify that the Global Hawk may move forward despite its latest cost overrun, which breached the Nunn-McCurdy statute limits and triggered a massive review of the project. He states that “continuation of the program is essential to national security ... are no alternatives to the program,” and new cost estimates have been established to move forward.


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